
The Large Tall



Rons Headshot
Bringing you short messages from the larger spirit world!
Call or text me at 248-705-8077 to schedule a reading!

How to put on psychic party:

Psychic parties are just get togethers where the guests each get a reading. The host books the psychic and invites the guests. The host sets aside a place, which is preferably a private room with a couple chairs and a table, for the readings. The guests go in one at a time to get their reading, after which each guest pays for their own reading unless other arrangements have been made. When I am the psychic, the $20 deposit pays for the host's entire reading up to 30 minutes. While each guest is having their reading, the rest eat and talk often about their readings. The length of the party depends on how many guests get reading and how long their readings are.

With me you can add on some extras to get your party started with for example a gallery reading, and you may want to end with a channeling. I offer these options the same price as an individual reading.

In the Summer months, you can send me home wet with Soak the Psychic, which raises money for Grace Centers of Hope homeless shelter.

Each guest can have 2 readings if you book me and my wife, Christa Lynn, who is also a psychic and a healer. See for more information about booking both of us, and how booking both of us can get you some free extras.

If you need music at your party, I am also a musician, who can perform solo or with a classic rock band. See for more info.

I hope to see you at a party soon, Ron