Soak the Psychic is an OPTIONAL fundraising event to raise money for the Grace Centers of Hope homeless shelter, which gets people off the street permanently. For a donation starting at $1.00 for a small bucket, you can dump water on me. Bigger donations buy bigger buckets.
I started getting soaked for charity a few years ago after witnessing a pie in face charity event at a nursing home where I was entertaining as a musician. For a small donation employees smashed pies in the face of their manager as I set up. I couldn't help noticing especially as an entertainer how everybody participating and watching got into the pie smashing. I thought I would feed off the energy in the room when it came my turn to perform, but I had trouble getting people interested in my performance even though I had always and ever since had good response there. That's when I realized the entertainment value of a pie in the face!
However, the pie in the face event was very messy so I looked to the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge for inspiration. I decided to simplify the ice bucket challenge by eliminating the ice, which was too cold for me anyway; and letting all the donors the chance to get me wet. I then figured if I let seniors get me wet like at this nursing home, I could also offer it at the end of psychic parties or at the New Baltimore Trade Center.
So send me home wet. I usually don't come back inside afterwards. I have towels etc. in the car. Of course, I only do this
during the Summer months
If you got a pool, you can throw me in for a larger donation.
Of course, you can spray with the hose from 6 feet away for $10 per minute for social distancing purposes.
Once I get your donations to the Grace Centers of Hope homeless shelter, I will send you a receipt.