
The Large Tall



Rons Headshot
Bringing you short messages from the larger spirit world!
Call or text me at 248-705-8077 to schedule a reading!

What is a gallery reading?

In a gallery reading, I give messages to a group of people usually one at a time although there be general messages for the whole group. If the group is not too large and there is enough time, I usually can give a message to each person in the group. However, I cannot guarantee that each person will get a message.

In fact not everyone may want to get a message. Some people may have come to a gallery reading just to observe. Keep in mind that a message may contain personal information. Not everyone may want their personal information shared with a group. So I will ask each person if they want a message first. Also feel free to stop me at anytime. I can always give you the message later privately.

As a medium, I may give messages from loved ones (people and pets), angels, ascended masters, etc. I may also give messages about your present and potentially future life based on what I see as a psychic.

A gallery reading is a good way for everyone to see how I work. I think it's a good way to warm up a psychic party.
